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8 sites
Elbit Systems UK
Israeli Arms Company or Principal Supplier of Military hardware to the IDF
Military Hardware
6 sites
Israeli Arms Company or Principal Supplier of Military hardware to the IOF
Military Hardware
1 site
Rafael/Pearson Engineering
Israeli state owned arms company
Military Hardware
2 sites
Supplies Elbit Systems with landing gear and other military hardware, directly enabling the terror of the occupation
Military Hardware
1 site
Best known for supplying the deadly cladding which caused the Grenfell Tower disaster, they also make parts for fighter jets used by the occupation forces
Military Hardware
1 site
Solvay- Cytec Engineered Materials Ltd
Manufacturers, supply Elbit systems with composite materials used in constructing their Military Hardware
Manufacture Support
9 sites
French arms company who part-own UAV Tactical Systems with Elbit and produce military hardware
Military Hardware
9 sites
Italian arms company who produce fighter jets, helicopters, and other military hardware for the occupation forces
Military Hardware
1 site
The leading international partner for machine vision technology, they are a listen supplier for Teledyne
Manufacture Support
1 site
Weller Packaging
Packaging and Delivery company owned by Paul Weller (not the musician) who owns the whole industrial site which the UAV Engines Site sits on.
1 site
Discovery Park Kent
Discovery Park is a UK science park in Kent. They have supported Instro-Precision (Elbit) to build and run their premises within the business park.
1 site
Eagle Strategic Consulting Ltd
Management Consultancy Firm in the field of Defence. Wholly owned and run by Richard Applegate, Chairman of Elbit Systems and director of all Elbit Subsidiaries in Britain.
1 site
Edwards Accountants
They are the auditors/accountants for UAV engines Shenstone, UAV Tactial Systems Leicester and ESUK generally.
4 sites
ADS Group
ADS is the British arms trade association, Elbit Systems is a member of this group.
Trade Association
17 sites
Complete Business Solutions
Work with UAV Tactical Systems Leicester, visiting the site at least once a week.
1 site
Clarion Events
Event management company, with a specialism in "Defence and Security" events, managed the DSEI Arms Fair and the "Border Security Expo" in USA.
Event management
2 sites
Iron Mountain
Data Collection Services for UAV Tactical Systems Leicester
IT Systems
1 site
Hinks Haulage
One of various haulage companies used by Elbit Systems and specifically UAV Tactical Systems Leicester.
1 site
Shred It
Dispose of Elbit's confidential waste
2 sites
Ministry Of Defence
Award contracts to UAV
1 site
Foreign Office
Award contracts to UAV
1 site
UAV Tactical Systems
Military Hardware
An arms company that works on contracts with Elbit, formerly a MoD division that was privatised in 2002
Military Hardware
1 site
UAV Engines Ltd
Military Hardware
2 sites
Aviation Systems Group (ASG)
Provides drone operation training for Elbit in Britain
1 site
Universal Instrument Services Ltd
Provides calibration services for UAV Tactical Systems.
Manufacture Support
1 site
Digital Office Group
Supplies office equipment and support to UAV Tactical Systems
1 site
Supplies office equipment to UAV Tactical Systems
6 sites
Keysight Technologies
Electronics manufacturer that works very closely with UAV Tactical Systems Leicester, regularly making multiple deliveries per week to the site
Manufacture Support
1 site
Time Logistics
One of various haulage and logistics companies used by Elbit Systems and specifically UAV Tactical Systems Leicester.
9 sites
PHS Group
Waste disposal company who work with Elbit production sites across Britain
38 sites
Supplies UAV Tactical Systems Leicester with materials and tools necessary for the manufacture and assembly of drones.
Manufacture Support
Clarke Transport
One of various logistics companies used by Elbit Systems and specifically UAV Tactical Systems Leicester. This transport company have been seen going to Shenstone's UAV Engines factory every week
1 site
One of various logistics companies used by Elbit Systems and specifically UAV Tactical Systems Leicester.
Marshall Land Systems
Military hardware provider working with UAV Tactical Systems Leicester
Military Hardware
1 site
Marshall Fleet Solutions
One of various logistics companies used by Elbit Systems and specifically UAV Tactical Systems Leicester.
Owens Group UK
One of various logistics companies used by Elbit Systems and specifically UAV Tactical Systems Leicester.
1 site
Hammonds Hygiene Solutions
Provide Hygiene Services for UAV Tactical Systems Leicester
1 site
DSG Close Protection
Provides security thugs to UAV Engines Shenstone
2 sites
G4S Security
Provides security thugs to UAV Tactical Systems Leicester
16 sites
BNY Mellon
Invest in excess of 12 million dollars in Elbit Systems
4 sites
Provides Elbit Systems with electrical repairs and components for their machinery and weapons
Military Hardware
Manufacture Support
3 sites
Avnet Abacus
Supplies electrical parts to Elbit, operates too in Israel and boasts of its' involvement in the production of the F-35 lightning project.
Manufacture Support
Military Hardware
1 site
Instro Precision Ltd
1 site
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